Thursday, September 5, 2019

Software Development Malaysia

Look at our DSS Software Solutions Knowledge Management Services Aim, Approcahes and Procedure step by step.
Our Aim
Knowledge Management Services by DSS is aimed to help the clients make better decisions. We will help you find better solutions for your company to use this information to grow revenue, seed long-term customer relationships, and shape product planning to answer emerging trends.
Our Approach
Every company should remember that Knowledge Management is not just about technology. The solutions that work best take into account technological, organizational, and cultural factors. A company should remember that it will take a long way to start with Knowledge Management.
The technical solutions for knowledge management, ranges from groupware to data mining tools, to search engines, to PDAs, to portals.
Our Procedure
Start with a business problem that relates specifically to knowledge, i.e. low success, ineffective marketing and web site strategies, or high personnel turnover.
Ask yourself what knowledge you need in order to solve this problem. What makes sense
Then you will conclude what your solution should look like. At DSS, we are ready to help you choose and implement the tools and techniques that will get you to that solution.
Get More details on :
Call @ (60) 3 2202 0041

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